Thread: Stripped plug!
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Old 05-16-2010, 05:05 PM   #3
12psi boost
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Default Success!

You are right Cre, we humans sometimes throw our hands up in despair and cry why me oh lord, WHY ME??? But then I found that info and I called Auto Zone and for $10.00 and a trip to town I bought a thread chaser part number 25155 put some oil on it and chased the threads through. #5 plug is now in and tight! I will read your link though because though it is in lord know what I will find in 2, 3 and 4. Those must be some old plugs under the plenum. I will be taking the rest of the plugs out and doing the valve covers and taking a compression test I suppose. I just want to get it running again before I do all that. I ordered a fuel pump from Ebay and will do those diagnostics now. Looks like I have to buy a roll of vacume line and replace the vacuum lines just cause they look dry and possible might be leaking. Here is a pic of the tool I used.

Question: If they recommend blowing out the cylinder with compressed air don't you need an exit for the air to push out any fragments or bits or do they just hopefully come back out the spark plug hole? Wow sorry I found another thread on here about this but they didn't mention the chaser so I guess it's good that I did, also read about the vacuum and small hose technique. Thanks
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Last edited by batmmannn; 05-16-2010 at 05:25 PM.
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