Thread: Cruise control
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Old 05-18-2010, 04:37 PM   #1
3" Exhaust
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Default Cruise control

I have a 1990 supra turbo targatop, the steering colum was trashed so i put an extra steering colum from a 1987 supra into my 1990. i am now trying to put the factory 1990 steering wheel onto the 87 steering colum. granted i understand the air bag cannot br hooked up because the87 steering colum is not wired for airbags. but i do want the cruise control to work. i have the new steering wheel on the 87 steering colum now, but whoever remove wheel to begin with cut the connection that runs from 1990 steering wheel cruise control lever into the steerning colum, i want to wire the cruise control connector from the 87 steering wheel into the 90 control lever so that the 90 steering wheel will plug right in and my cruise will still work. i just need to know which color wires in the 90 and 87 control levers do what so i can splice the old connector onto the 90 control lever, i know that is probably confusing but anyone got any ideas??
My work in progress!!!
1989 toyota supra turbo targa top 7mgte, Five speed left hand drive.
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