Yeah unbelievable!
I have been wearing that face on the last couple of test drives. It aint such a good feeling but I have a 5 speed, so I could clutch, and kill with the ignition. Brought it home by turning the key on and off cause it was struck at one throttle position. Must have had an acorn wedged in the butterfly. Several came out of the plenum.....GAWD!
If their not tearing into my air filters their plugging up my exhaust. One of my cars once was plugged so tight with a Varmit nest that the car would not start.
I cleaned everything up and put it back together minus the air filter. It starts and throttles normally now. Air Filter from AutoZone asap. Till then it's staying in the driveway.
1987 N/A 7MGE Left Hand Drive MK3 Red 5 Speed and Black Auto Supras
My Next project is the Batmobile!
Last edited by batmmannn; 05-31-2010 at 02:33 AM.