Sonyps307, you do have a LOT more reasearch to do from what I'm understnding of your post. NO year of the GE harness is compatible with most of the GTE electronics.... The pre89 GTE electronics are not compatible with 89+ GTE electronics (in many cases it's a matter of different harness connectors, but some components are quite different) and the same goes for the two revisions of GE electronics.
The GE's transmission is a W58, the Turbo's is a R154. The R154 is MUCH beefier. The w58 is lighter and shifts easier, but is nowhere near as robust. I recommend replacing the R154 if you're planning on pushing past 350... and even before that only run the W58 if it is in VERY good shape. Some people have run them as high as 450RWHP before they grenaded... but, the whole point is that they DID in the end die. Which flywheel you run depends on the transmission, not the year... same for the clutch.
You may use an engine harness and ECU from an auto on a manual transmission equipped vehicle, you merely need to bypass the neutral start switch... I think that's all... You cannot run an automatic equipped car on a manual transmission ECU though.
NOW, if you need more in depth information please search the forum for previous posts with info. Terms such as "engine swap" and "transmission swap" and "tranny swap" will surely get you some good results.
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