Pretty excited right now, big day for me
Out cruizin with my buddy Mike in his black 87 N/A, and we discovered two new-to-us MKIII Supra's. After briefly checking out the two cars, one of which was on a trailer, we try to get to know the owner of them. He wasn't home then, but we came back later and got to meet him. Turns out he just got a red 87 N/A 5 speed yesterday and had got the white 88 turbo targa on the trailer as a parts car shortly before that (he's putting the 88 7MGTE in an 84 Toyota Pick Up).
So after getting to know him and offering our assistance if needed in the future, he offered to sell me some parts for my 88 that I'm currently fixing from a previous owner. I gave him the list of what I needed (hood, RF fender, front bumper fascias, fog lights, right headlight lid, right taillight), and told him I could get him $150 for it. He took the offer, said the car is going across the state tomorrow, so I spent a few hours today with the help of some friends dismantling this car on the trailer.
Anyway, living in MT it's hard to find parts locally, so stumbling on a parts car is a BIG deal.
To top the day off, I traded my 95 Jetta for a 89 Cressida, so I now have all of the big parts I need to get my Supra fixed properly and back on the road!