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Old 06-05-2010, 01:56 AM   #7

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Originally Posted by fullthrottlesrqsupra View Post
yep sounds right i did my first highway drive today and at 70 i was right on 3000 i think the chart might be just a little off for 3rd though because i was in 3rd at 87mph not redlining (track reading not my speedo i wasnt looking at it to know) and the chart shows that being impossible my tires are actually 1/4inch or so smaller than stock too hmmmm wonder whats up

or maybe not my car is an 86.5 so its not supposed to be a turbo but my mph to rpm match the pre 89 r154 perfect hmmmmmmmmmmm????? i know it not though because i just did a clutch on it im puzzled
It's simple... first off that chart is for a PERFECTLY dialed in FACTORY, BONE STOCK setup... even a difference in air pressure will start it moving off... second, the factory speedometer SUCKS. It can be calibrated but will not be terribly accurate except for the speed at which it was calibrated. and Third... the stock tachometer SUCKS... miles off. Mine is off by about 150RPM at idle and it gets worse the higher you rev... this could be modified so you could calibrate it, but it's not worth it in the least. Also, if you're running a R154 the numbers will be off too... their gearing is a bit different for each gear.
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