i just zip tied mine it stays on perfectly has never came loose it could be dirty injectors i doubt its your tps mine does the same thing but only at 2k-2200 2300 and what your describing is a surge check your o2 it might be reading strange giving you a rich/lean condition and check your air flow meter it could also cause this both can happen without throwing codes also because there working within parameters just not at the right time i noticed that my surge became alot less noticable when i unplugged my idle air control
92 miata 7mgte swap  forged pistons,studded mhg, 3 inch dp with a glass pack,blowthrough MAF-T,550cc inj, act stage 2 clutch, fmic kit, greddy rs, full wire tuck, rx7 lsd rear with 4.10s. 15psi "ct26-A"??(waiting on dyno #s) if anyone knows whats up with my turbo let me know it has a larger comp wheel nicer machining and 6 dual fins rather than 5? its confusing and keep finding too much contradicting info. would LLLLLOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEE a compressor map