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Old 06-09-2010, 09:16 PM   #2
Supra Forum Moderator
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just an update..
hose is on the back of the engine. any 90 degree (make sure its 90) will work just a matter of cutting it down to size. cant use the Original clamps tho. to tight of fit. and those screw ones are junk. gonna have to get some quality ones and re apply that. waiting on a 9/16 bolt to finish the #3 valve cover. Pick up the oil drain plug gaskets today. but no one in town sells either a 14mm allen head or a 14 mm bolt! so use a 9/16th hex. fits just as well. hope this post was a tad helpful. there are numerous posts about the dreaded 90 degree hose. this one took a couple tips from each and put it together in one place. not very in depth but straight forward.

92 Ma71 7mGTE Auto. SafcII
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