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Old 06-16-2010, 08:23 PM   #10
12psi boost
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Default 25 year old thing?

Whats this 25 year old thing? Vintage cars are insured all over the place. I have friends with complete kit car Batmobiles built off Lincolns or Corvettes that are insured.

16 year olds and Supras as a mix tends to raise everyones rates. Rates are based on risk and statistics that tell any parent a Supra is not a good choice for a new young driver we all know that, at 16 I wrecked my Dads Totota Tercel cause I was drunk but when I explained it to him I was dodging a squirrel, ..... I told a fib! This might be why his parents usually have not helped their teenagers get sports cars as a first car.

It's admirable that this young fellow earned, bought and wants to insure his own vehicle. His rates will be extreme to say the least. probably $1500 a year for the basic coverage. Or am I way off base? What are your insurance premiums that you are being quoted?
1987 N/A 7MGE Left Hand Drive MK3 Red 5 Speed and Black Auto Supras
My Next project is the Batmobile!

Last edited by batmmannn; 06-16-2010 at 08:25 PM.
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