Thread: Wtf??
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Old 06-25-2010, 08:43 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Oceanside, CA
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MK34me is on a distinguished road
Default Wtf??

I just picked up a '91 Turbo. It's a bit of a basketcase but I have made great strides!! Here's my dilema. The car has a aftermarket turbo, a T-65 I believe and when I hit it the turbo spools up and right about the time I should be waving bye bye to the punk in the lowered Civic with the neon green hub caps, (no, seriously) the turbo bogs out. It is roughly at 4000-4500 rpms. Every shift, every time I punch it!!!!
Vacuum lines are all good to go. Can it be the external wastegate on the turbo? I was told it could be my injectors, that they aren't supplying enough fuel but what does fuel have to do with spool? I thought it was the airmass, quantuty & temp that made the dif.
It's my first turbo, heck my first Supra and I am not that savvy yet.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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