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Old 06-28-2010, 06:51 PM   #1
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Texas Gulf Coast
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finaltable is on a distinguished road
Default Guidance needed on reverting a modded Mk IV to stock

I sold my Mk III about two years ago when my wife was pregnant with our 3rd child. I am now approaching a point wherein I can add a 3rd car and want a Mk IV this time. My preference is a stock Mk IV turbo sport roof; unfortunately, a large number of the turbos out there have been modded. I neither want, nor need, a car whose exhaust can be heard 3 blocks away or has 600 hp. While I will keep my eye out for a stock Mk IV when I am ready, it is my guess that I may have to get one that has been modded and undo the upgrades to turn a race car back into the refined touring car my Mk III was. If that is the case, I need to know what upgrades to avoid trying to undo, e.g. suspension or dual to single turbo conversions.

Thanks for any info. I look forward to posting pics of my new car when I get it.
Current ride: Not a Supra :-(

Last edited by finaltable; 06-28-2010 at 06:57 PM.
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