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Old 06-29-2010, 11:42 PM   #1
12psi boost
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Default Supra Snake Hissing

Well here we go again, just had head gasket check so that can't be it hopefully, but I popped my hood to start working on my AC compressor and I heard a hissing sound after returning from town. Trying to locate the sound it seems to be under the distributer and I found some slow droplets of water coming off the side of the block dripping a drop maybe once every 4 seconds beneath the exhaust manifold and to the right of the oil filter about 4 inches away toward the front of the car. I still have the same or near the same amount of radiator fluid so perhaps I have a hose going bad. I never replaced any of the hoses after 7 years of sitting so I am thinking this will be the first to blow....Oh Joy! I see that there is a metal water tube running behind the manifold. I suspect this first, what hoses are there? Any hints before I call my insurance company switch my insurance and drive my Geo? I guess I need to see a break down view cause it is hard to see in there with the distributer in the way. Finally get my car burped and I have to drain the damn thing for AC repair. Hoepfully it will be easier to burp when I get it back together.... Girfriend? Who has time? I am always working on my Supra and spending money on her!

Could it be an AC leak? Hmmm, Not sure it would drip fluid. There are some hoses coming down and off to the right of the distributer.

Any Ideas? Yes I know the cracked block syndrome don't think that would hiss, sounds like a cracked hose about to let loose.

Looking at the breakdown I can't tell if the tubes running behind the manifold is going directly back into the motor or if it uses hoses, I can only see the main hose, is this the only hose that could crack? Are the other hoses power steering? I would take a pic but my daughter overturned antifreeze into my rear seat and doused my $700 digital camera. Its not working just yet. Hoping it will dry out.

Thanks for your thoughts any help would be appreciated, Scott
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1987 N/A 7MGE Left Hand Drive MK3 Red 5 Speed and Black Auto Supras
My Next project is the Batmobile!

Last edited by batmmannn; 06-30-2010 at 12:06 AM. Reason: more info
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