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Old 07-01-2010, 12:22 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by finaltable View Post
Thanks. In the back of my mind I thought electronics mods would be a bad thing to try and undo. My concern about power is primarily related to efficiency. Generally, more power = less mpg, and while I am not looking for a Prius, I have to make a trip that is about 250 miles round trip every other week and would prefer to get better than single digit mpg doing it. I make the trip now in a Chevy truck and can at least make the round trip on one tank of gas.

In the area of exhaust, I am willing to bet that if I found a car with aftermarket exhaust I could probably find someone willing to trade their stock exhaust to me straight up.
The nice thing about a turbo car is when you're off-turbo, you're running a 3L n/a. A big single turbo gets into boost *later* than the oem twins (in the rpm range), so in theory you could actually get better gas mileage ...especially highway mpgs ... with a single'd mkiv.
Phil '94 Supra Turbo, 6spd, 'APU'+
Displacement is no replacement for boost.
Life begins at 30psi.

NB: Please consider posting any help requests in a new thread instead of asking me for help privately. About 99.9+% of the time, private help requests end up covering great information that could be very valuable to other forum members. If you have a good reason for needing the help request to be private, I'll consider it. If not, then why not give everyone else the opportunity to pitch in too, and/or learn from the information? Remember, there's no such thing as a dumb question. We're all here to help within this family of Supra owners.

Last edited by pwpanas; 07-01-2010 at 01:53 AM.
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