So I seen the engine bay. Actually it seems like it was all in one area. The 3000gt plastic is done, the 7mgte front engine plastic is done, The oil cap is done. I checked the oil level on the dip stick and there was NONE! It has been sitting for a month now. I feel that the 0 oil level seems a bit fishy and I should just swap out the engine. Anyhow, I could simply save it by replacing these melted plastics and try to fill her up with oil and pray for the best. However, again.. I think it's not going to work out.
Does anyone know if the bearings are still good after fire damage that has been done to the extent described above? I have a lead on an engine I want to buy from someone local here. It needs new bearings according to its current owner. So I could use the fire damaged engine barings on this one. If you all think it's not a bad idea. Please say so.