Consider yourself lucky... I've read a lot of posts by people asking why their rebuild is leaking at the pan even with a new pan gasket. I have no idea why it happens, but most people who try to run them end up having to redo it. Either use Toyota's FIPG, Honda's FIPG (can't remember the name but it's supposedly miraculous stuff, I know a lot of Honda haters who swear by it), or use "the Right Stuff" (comes in a cheese whiz can). "the Right Stuff" is the least expensive and has worked VERY well for me in every situation where I've used it.
Also, make sure that the pan's flange and the mounting surface of the block are SPOTLESS to ensure a strong leakproof seal... tip: it's difficult to keep the oil from running across the block's surface if the engine is right side up.
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