Hey you dont have a ground goin to that wire so look elsewhere, what you are doing when you hook the test light in line with the positive on batt to the wire that is also positive you are creating a circuit showing power going through that whole circuit. do this exper. unhook positive cable from batt. the put the lil clamp dilly on it and then touch the probe to the pos. post on the batt... Wallah the light will light up because you have created a circuit. the light can light up because any dc power ultimatly runs to a ground so even hooking inline will cause your light to light up...First thing to do is throw that test light in the trunk where you keep spare fuses thats all its good for, and get a digital multimeter. they can be had for 20 bucks at wally world. the go ground on your black wire and go to the wire with red.... it should read about 12.5 atleast, or whats at your batt.. if it reads 12.5 at batt and 11 at wire then you have a high resistance some where could be caused from the ground bein corroded (most likely) or a bad connection on the positive side of things but grounds tend to corrode first!! i was a certified RV Tech. and we did ALOT of electrical troubleshooting. but i have now moved on to airplane elctrical systems.... hope this helps....