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Old 08-05-2010, 02:42 AM   #9
Supra Saiyan
3" Exhaust
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Originally Posted by cre View Post
NGK is what the car came with... regular NGK platinums. They're what you'll get when you buy "Toyota" boxed spark plugs.

Fouling is due to either running excessively rich or running the wrong temp. If you haven't changed anything on your car and are running the same temp plugs as always you've most likely got a fuel management problem somewhere (usually the AFM).

If you want to use a different brand make sure the insulator on the wire side is the same length as the NGKs. They're not made to the ISO spec which is shorter.... people have had a lot of trouble with fouling using ISO spec plugs if the boots don't seal very firmly (see: unless the wires are pretty much NEW).
Ya, I will be going with NGK laser plats... <---Love this one
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