Originally Posted by cre
Replacement pigtails or just connectors and pins are available from Toyota... well, a lot have been discontinued but quite a few are still available as they were used on other cars. The pre89 N/A's connector was the same as the pre89 (and I think 89+) CPS.... 89+ N/A used a different connector.
Well, since myn was burned up and research is all i have done to understand what I am looking for.. i have no actually seen the part I search. This is claimed to be a
7M-GTE CPS Connector Replacement..
However. It looks like it wont work from my understanding. Is this the 89+ connector? I thought I would be looking for a green plug or somthing that looks like the one in the picture with the entire cps in it. Please let me know..
CPS connector replacment
CPS whole 1
CPS whole 2/3 (click on ebay pic to enlarge)