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Old 08-18-2010, 02:10 PM   #21
3" Exhaust
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this is ware i see the smoke coming from. also this shield here rattles when i drive.

this has been this way since iv owned the car and was wondering if it is a bad thing? iv cleaned it up afew times but it just comes back so im guessing its a bad thing.

this is the inside of the throttle body. also she fires from cylinder 1. and if it prove its the trans i drove her in L to the store then back home in D she seems to be accelerated better. but then again my last test run she did the same thing then went back to acting up.

also if when i go back and reset the timing how do i keep the cams from turning? theres no hole to put a punch in to hold them in place well tightening the belt.

Last edited by zby67; 08-18-2010 at 02:17 PM.
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