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Old 11-23-2004, 07:53 PM   #9
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Devon UK
Posts: 14
extendor is on a distinguished road

Just read you post about driving at the age of 16. You are one lucky guy to get such a great car. We have similar conditions about insurance. For example my insurance is about $40US per month for comprehensive cover with no restrictions. If I was 17 the insurance would be $800US per month... That would still be cheap as I live in a good area. If I lived in London at 17, I could not get insured with a standard agent. As you say statistically the under 21 is very likely to have an accident. Over 25 it gets cheaper and over 40 it is best.

Just for interest we pay $7.5US per gallon for gas. I am not bullshitting. That is truth. Cars like the Supra are very cheap to buy because of the high cost of running them. Basically our government is anti fun. The more you modify a car the cheaper it gets to buy for the next owner - unless it is a real enthusiast. Why not have a look on and look for Supra. A good late Mk3 like mine will go for about $4000US and a average one for as little as $700US

The most expensive cars here are the tiny 60MPG family cars because they cost so little to insure and run. The way I see it I cant take it with me so I am going to have a blast while I can. The government can 'eat my shorts'.

I was curious as to why your grades would affect your ability to anticipate and coordinate and be a factor in your insurance. In my experience some of the worst drivers are egg heads and some of the best are real dead brains.
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