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Old 08-24-2010, 11:10 PM   #3
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: london
Posts: 9
afsvanderveen is on a distinguished road

well its a pain in the ass. I just did it, im gutting all the wirring to go into another chassis.its all through the driver side fender and some is in the passanger side. You basically have to remove the bumper right and left fenders and unhook everything electronic. Then go insided the car and unplug the conectors from the fuse box. Then you can pull thoes wires through the body wall on the outside of the car. It too me about 4 hours to complete as I did the engine harness at the same time. Its not overly complicated as the wires are all cut to length and only plug into one spot. Prety hard to screw up actually. Just be sure to reconnect all the grounds as one ground could cause alot of headaches. Hope this helps. Any other questions Id be glad to help.
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