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Old 09-07-2010, 01:01 AM   #5
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Twin Cities, MN
Posts: 22
wayzhack is on a distinguished road
Default lets see

Yes, as stated before, I want to swap an automatic non turbo 7m-ge engine from a 1989 Toyota Cressida into a 5spd 1988 Toyota Supra Turbo shell.

The 7M-GE engine comes with an automatic transmission and ECU from the same Cressida.

The goal is simply to get the car running as cheaply as possible while saving up for a jdm 7M-GTE. Since I'm going back to school, this could take a while but I would have enough money within the year for sure. Therefore since its only temporary, I'd rather not have to splice the turbo harness too much or something.

1989 Cressida 7mge, a/t and ECU into 1988 5spd Supra Turbo shell.
For temporary use (less than 1 year)

I dont know if I can be any clearer. Any other questions?
Can't wait to get that 7m!
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