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Old 09-08-2010, 12:28 AM   #6
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you need:
w58 5 speed transmission
front half of drive shaft from a 5speed
clutch and brake pedals from a 5 speed
hard line that goes from master to slave clutch cylinders
master and slave clutch cylinders (i would buy new)
Clutch and flywheel for w58

what would be nice:
radiator from a 5 speed.
all rubber boots to protect from dirt and leather shifter boot.

and of course you need to trick your neutral safety start switch:

remove this from your auto tranny and plug the wires back into your engine harness in the P Park position, or the car will never start.

good luck.
did i miss anything??
1984 supra - 1uzfe - w58 - 4.10 - 1 piece aluminum shaft.
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