Thread: radiator fans
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Old 09-14-2010, 03:45 AM   #6
12psi boost
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Originally Posted by btwilson86 View Post
You're close, the flexalite fans are an electric fan setup. What you're thinking of is called a flex fan, which lately we've all been reading more and more about (thanks, cre )

Anyway, as you can read in MANY posts on this forum, there is debate whether electric fans or clutch fans are better. I'm not going to touch that. Flex fans (with a clutch designed specifically for them) are probably one of your best bets, because they flatten out at higher engine rpm's, producing less power usage by the engine.

You should note that all 3 types of fans mentioned will put almost no load on the engine at higher speeds because airflow through the radiator is providing sufficient cooling. This means the only real power loss is seen during lower speed city driving and traffic, 2 times when you won't miss the power.
very true,
the best would be the flex fan, with clutch design because personally, i think clutch fans are better then electric
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