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Old 09-17-2010, 01:55 AM   #8
Old Man Supra
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 13
Old Man Supra is on a distinguished road
Default Supra Will Not Start

Hi Guys, Just wanted to follow up with some info that helped me get to the end of the problem and got it fixed. I checked all the fuses...........under the hood and in the drivers kick panel ALOT of them were blown............. replaced all of the bad ones ofcourse. Got a tester and checked for both fuel and spark which even after replacing all the fuses and checking the igniter/coil neither was working. So..................looked at a wiring diagram for the car and the unit that controls both of those functions IS............... The PCM! I went into the dash pulled the glove box out and right up above there it is.Took it out [3 connector bundles and 3 screws]and copied the info off the module. I got lucky and I found a exact replacement right down to the last letter and number...........made sure it was MT for manual tranny and bought it for $125.00 at a local salvage yard...........they kept the brain, the Supra it belonged to was long since crushed. ;( Got home plugged the 3 connectors back in to the New/Used PCM unit then remounted it to the under side of the dash,put the glove box assembly back together and.................turned the key VAROOOOOOOOOOM! Back to life! Runs and operates just as before. : ) Hope this helps someone else down the road.................... but the best thing to do is when your getting mother SUPRA back to go out on the road after a long winter nap make sure you don't have her wires crossed [like on the battery!] I got really lucky that this mistake didn't fry the car or alot of other expensive parts.Lesson learned! I''ll be VERY careful from now a great car that I don't want to lose.

Last edited by Old Man Supra; 09-17-2010 at 01:59 AM.
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