Nothing wrong with the 7MGTE
I have purchased parts from Driftmotion. Bad advise, good parts. However, I have no experience with Driftmotion rebuilds.
Having said that, the list you supply sounds good for a "reliable" 400 WHP build.
I really question the infactuation with the 1JZ. The 7MGTE is a strong engine. Capable of outstanding performance. Correcting the head gasket issue makes it VERY reliable.
NOTHING wrong with with the 1JZ or 2JZ, but why go to the trouble?
I suggest you weigh the cost of all options, rebuild verses engine swap. Consider the "quality" of the JZ engine you intend to purchase. Do you know the real condition of that JDM engine? Most likely, a rebuild of the engine will be required prior to install, to make sure it is sound.
Bottom line, their is nothing wrong with the old tractor motor.