Originally Posted by Green7mgte
well I changed the valve cover seals. and put the oil pan gasket under the 14mm bolts. still have oil pooling in 5 n 6 cylinder well. (closest to firewall) but don't see any trace from the sides of the well. the HG was replaced about 4 or 5 years ago.
thank you. very insightful.. truly. I was at a stand still with this. just watching it leak.
starting with the timing cover packing. is it difficult to swap? something I can do in my own garage?
Ok, hang on.... is this leaking into the plug galley or down the side or the engine? Is the leak toward the front or the middle or rear? Are we only talking about one leak? Did you happen to overtorque the valve cover screws? They used screws for a reason... should only be at 22 INCH lbs. Have you checked the valve covers for warpage? Have you pulled the galley cover and made sure the four giant allen bolts which secure it are well sealed?
The timing cover packing is the packing you put down before you set the HG on the block deck and then lower the head... if you miss it or you put it on too thin it WILL leak... usually into the timing belt cavity and down the front driver's side of the engine. The easy way to fix it.... pull the head again.

I've done it another way and it was miserable and when I tore the engine down for my rebuild later on I found that it did some minor damage here and there.... but it didn't leak.