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Old 09-24-2010, 01:17 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: New Zealand
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Jamie is on a distinguished road
Unhappy Deteriating Problem, Car turning over but just wont start

Car used to be tempremental but has worsened to the point of turning over but not starting up, got it runing two days ago and when i can actually get it running the car seems to runs like a dream, untill i switch it off overnight.
And then Next day back to trying to even get it started.

currently cant get it going to even take it to an auto electrician

Mates think ignition is playing up but not sure how to check for faults, also could the alarm be screwing with the ignition? as the mongose alarm started locking doors when the ignition is turned on and unlocking them when off recently

as you can proberly tell im well past confused and stumpted on whats causing this problem and any ideas on solutions would help

Thanks from the Poor Student
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