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Old 09-28-2010, 01:30 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Hamilton Ontario
Posts: 40
89ST is on a distinguished road
Default Mk3 supra turbo won't start after running fine.

Hi everyone, I'm new and I apologize now If I'm doing something wrong.

My car is an 89 Supra turbo LHD. The car was running, backed it out of my driveway, went to ingage first and the car shut off. I thought possible i'd stalled it, however it would not restart.

- I didn't run out of gas!
- I have no diagnostic codes popping up.
- if i supply the fuel pump with power if runs.
- fuel pump relay when triggered sounds as though it's functioning.
- car is sparking because when cranked it back fires every so often.

Now when i turn the car to the on position the fuel pump does not seem to prime. nor do i hear it or the fuel pump relay working when i'm the cranking the vehicle. I'm thinking possibly the ecu has bit the dust.

Any other suggestions? Thank you
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