got it home, leaking bad again after 10 miles. down 1 gallon coolant in rad again
finally drove her last 10 miles home with filled up coolant. she blew up again on the final large hill. I drove it as gingerly as possible all over, coasting in neutral (which it likes), and under 2K rpms everywhere. It threw heat fast today because I jumped it and took off immediately. It was throwing interior heat faster than the temp gauge registered. still mystery leak. I am sure it's not related to the turbo - that's all dry everywhere. seems to be the motor itself ??? or under the water housing ?? but I don't think it's the water housing gasket for some reason. every hose I can see does not look like it's leaking. but it poured a gallon out up the hill suddenly as the driver behind me told me after I got it to home.
still in need because I can't drive this and I can't figure out what the leak is.
It drove a week at high speed hwy for 500 + miles and then erupted one day. My batt is dead, alternator is good. I have been missing the rad fan shroud - but it ran fine before anyway. something blew or leaks at over 2000 rpm and higher pressure. what is going on??
88 Supra 7M-GTE Turbo, TEMS, Targa stock