Originally Posted by kingison
Expect plenty more problems when you fix this one. Sorry but it is what it is. I figure now i was better off with car payments than this thing.
Fixing it is partly why I bought it. I mean, I have to start somewhere, and why not on a car I've wanted for ages?
Originally Posted by Travis89Turbo
Okay. Where to start. First check the voltage at the battery with a volt meter. That would be the first thing I would suspect.. then check the fuses on the deivers side kick panel.. and of course the ones under the hood... I kno u said u did this but do it again. Its real easy to miss one.. get back with me
It's a new battery, so does it still need it's voltage checked? Or does a volt meter do something completely different from what I think?
There's more on the driver's side? How many fuse boxes does the car have? Also, does it have any indication of the fuses it needs, in case some are missing? If not, could anyone provide a diagram or something?
And the one's under the hood are good. I've checked that two or three times since I replaced it. Only one's I'm kinda iffy about are the two big ones, which I was told I'd probably have to get from a dealer.