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Old 10-07-2010, 10:50 PM   #1
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Austin, Tx
Posts: 68
Cameroonski is on a distinguished road
Default Rebuild... Maybe more power? Suggestions plz

I have a 1986.5 n/a that i am in the middle of rebuilding. The top end was re-manufactured and had all new hoses and so on about five thousand miles ago or less by the previous owner. However i noticed the head bolts were not torqued evenly when i was taking it apart today... probably why my head gasket was shot, i had overheating, and lost some coolant

So at the very minimum ill replace gaskets, rings, and bearings.. and very likely new pistons. And put everything together CORRECTLY, with new head ARP head bolts and the correct torque and so on.

Other options:
boring it out... whats the cost and gain from this?
stroke kit... ive just heard this mentioned, not sure about it.
Turbo... i have an intercooler and piping and wastegate, and could get a stock Honda turbo for about 100 bucks. But then i'd have to weld the exhaust and get oil fittings for the turbo.. not sure about this either. Could just sell this stuff to help pay for the rebuild.

If nothing else i could just rebuild it to stock, and gear up the rear end with a new ring and pinion set. thats another 300 dollars.

My budget is flexible, but im only a senior in highschool so it definately has a limit.

Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
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