I did this mod last week on my supra, if u ask me it works just like any short shifter. It is a big difference though. Basically when u take it apart u'll see four screws on each corner, u take em out. Then, u remove all the rubber parts completely, u will see that the shifter has two different parts, the top of it is black and it even looks like u can just take it off. U take two sets of plyers, take one pair and hold the bottom really good. Then, u take the other pair and hold grip the top black part of the shifter. Hold the bottom part and twist the plyers that are on the top black part, u have to twist real hard back and forth until the rubber part inside breaks, then it will come off.( just make sure u understand that once u do this u can't put it back on). Then if u don't have one go to auto zone and get urself a different shift knob that u can screw in with three screws i'm sure u know what it is. But put back all the rubber stuff around the shifter and put those four screws back in, then after putting all the plastics back in screw ur new shifter knob on the top and there u go. If u have any other questions, u can instant message me if i'm on at Dejvid1785 or email me at