A few guys have bought radiators from Fluidyne and have very good results. I bought an aftermarked race aluminum for mine and in the 100+ here, it never moves, even with the heater turned to 65. I bought the large 16" fan from Advanced Auto, all of the parts houses carry these things. I also have an adjustable temp sensor for the fan so I can dial in the temp I want it to go off and with this radiator it doesn't stay on long. Just take off the fan clutch and put four small bolts to hold the pulley and go with the electric fan.
The stupid thing about the heater core being used to help the engine cool is that it works!! That means running the heater in the summer to help it cool down. To me, that shows that the stock radiator is very inadequate. It is nice but very thin. Fine for up north I guess but not for down here in the south. Make sure the system is flushed and flowing very well, maybe even let the flush run through it a bit longer than the instructions state and do it several times.
Try water wetter too, it does help a little. I really think you have to have a piece of metal under the airdam to the frame under the radiator to keep the air flowing into the rad and not back out under the car first. Make sure the condensor is clear too. I didn't make a shroud for my electric fan and bigger radiator and it doesn't need one, but the stock radiator definately needs the shroud.
Well good luck with it.