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Old 11-03-2010, 02:27 AM   #1
3" Exhaust
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Location: Avondale, AZ
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Default No Spark after swap! Help

So I already had a thread on why my car wouldnt start and it was a bad wire in the harness, so I replaced the harness with the proper one, 1987 manual harness. The ECU is 87 manual. So after turning over my engine plenty of times, there is no spark. I checked the coil pack by taking it to my friends and it worked fine, tested the igniter for 12 Volts and there was and lastly replaced the cps due to corrosion on the wires and timed it and still nothing!!

I dont know what it could be, but my friend said to check the crank shaft position sensor, is there one on the gte??? Any and every advice is greatly appreciated! =]

If you need more details, ask and ill let you know.
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