Originally Posted by Green7mgte
your right to sell your car.
Dont know who that was directed at.. lol. I believe the OP is going to tuff it out?
Just wondering.. has the engine ever turned over? Wondering if it is a seized situation.
Very little history, no pics, and your talking with limited knowledge of how to solve problems that can be more than just a single issue. There is an online TSRM (service repair manual) that you can look at as well with info in it (when you are trying to identify/locate things).
I read earlier on that the steering wheel was hard to turn. You are aware that its the power steering pump only functions while the engine is running? (Just asking because it sounds like you are turning the wheel with the engine not running.. and it wont turn easy. If the engine is running, the pump may not be putting out any pressure. Mine has the pump disconnected on my 87.. I can drive it.. but the steering is not an easy chore)
Just wondering if you are perhaps approaching the car repairs properly.
ie.. what are the fluid levels if the car has sat for along time. hose condition? wire condition? (cracked, dirty, clean... )
When asking for assistance, the more information you can provide, the better people can assist. Everyone is sitting behind a monitor without your car sitting in front of them. You can also see if there is anyone on the forums near you that can pop by and peek. An experienced person can give you a lot better advice standing in front of the car.
All worth a shot.