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Old 11-04-2010, 09:22 PM   #1
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Austin, Tx
Posts: 68
Cameroonski is on a distinguished road
Default I Need ONE Piston!

So everything was going smoothly in my rebuild when my last piston fell of my work bench. After seeing the dent in it, i proceeded to through things at the wall, and then calmed down to clean up and look for a replacement part. Made my day really.

Where can i order just one piston? Everything on my rebuild is standard size. (1986.5 7mge by the way). Rings, bore, blah blah are all good for standard so i was just re-using my pistons. I really would like to not have to spend 200 more dollars on a piston set. So please are there any websites that sell single, stock pistons?

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