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Old 11-05-2010, 08:36 PM   #6
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: powell river bc
Posts: 120
bioskyline is on a distinguished road

its kindof like the tuned port injection offed on some gm engines back in the day. being a twin entry intake due to the big Y over the valve cover, it seems like air would reach all cyls more evenly than the center dump of the standard intake (seems like 3 and 4 would get more air then 1 and 6 while under boost, but could be wrong) ill have to play with the idea a bit more, but what were you thinking or reworking?? i was planning on disabling the ACIS modulator anyways, so it would be a straight thru intake like whats on the car already
87 silver turbo targa, bone ass stock (for now)
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