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Old 11-08-2010, 06:13 AM   #20
3" Exhaust
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Originally Posted by bioskyline View Post
the heads are the same. the gaskets for intake and exhaust are the same for turbo or non. even a 5m head will fit the 7m (and thus the 6m), but i believe you have to change the pistons to match the head.

both cams (IN and EX) are different from what my interchange is showing me. from what ive seen around and heard, the ge cams on a gte give you about 15-30 hp gain, i guess it depends on if using new cams or used cams.
how can the heads be the same if the GE uses a distributor and the GTE has coil packs...? would there be any issues with the GE if you put coil packs on it instead of the distributor?
1986.5 MA70 7M-GE
1987 MA70 7M-GE
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