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Old 09-22-2005, 06:59 AM   #12
12psi boost
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 348
Poodles is on a distinguished road

Launching at 5500 RPM is a bit high on street tires, you'll spin a LOT. Around 3k is the limit on mine...

The thing about getting a radiator cap with too much pressure is that it will find any weak spot in your system, like a small coolant line at the back of the head... Stock radiator cap is fine, but make sure you don't ever shut your car off right after racing, let it idle down for a while since you're pushing it so hard.

Short shifters aren't cheap, best thing to do is get a poly version of the shifter seat and cup on the bottom of the shifter to get rid of the nasty amount of play in the shifter. sells them, it's a HUGE improvement. Also, a solid shifter knob usually helps too, I have a ball off a third gen f-body on mine...
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