Originally Posted by btwilson86
Yeah..... That's a little too tight. Over-tightening the belt will cause premature belt wear and bearing wear in the power steering pump. I don't know off the top of my head the exact specification, but you should be able to move a properly adjusted belt a few mm's up and down in the center between the 2 pulleys
well if you changed your power steering belt, after loosening it and putting the new one on, its hard to keep tension and tightened the bolts in place..
so i got a pry-bar and pulled the gear back til it was tight tightened up the bolts and bam! haha
hes right, you need to be able to push up and down on the belt. it should only move a tiny bit tho. if it moves alot its too loose, if it doesnt move at all its way too tight..
i tried bleeding my steering system and it worked for a bit. it worked better while i drove it, but pulling in and out of parking was a B****!
P.S ive already posted this once before, check the forum and see if you can find mine..
cre and acouple other guys got me on my way to fixing it.