Originally Posted by cre
There are a lot of reasons (Google it). The short and sweet of it is you do NOT want the drive wheels of ANY towed vehicle on the ground. If you can't get a flat bed make sure they put the rear on a dolly. Remember, with an independent suspension you're pulling the car at an extreme angle that the suspension was not designed for and may put a lot of awkward stress on the bearings. There's also the stress the frame takes as it twists more than it was designed for. I was informed of this by a tow truck driver I used to know (old high school buddy) and I think Toyota's owners manuals all state it too.
YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST NOT TOW AN AUTOMATIC OR AWD VEHICLE ON ANYTHING BUT A FLAT BED OR DOLLY.... or you can remove the drive shaft while the driver waits.
Yes... flatbed or dolly.. NEVER wheels. Very good reminder