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Old 09-22-2005, 04:36 PM   #7
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Roswell, NM
Posts: 73
Troyota is on a distinguished road

Does the car seem like it's engine braking in some gears (a manual transmission term) the car seems to stay attached to the gear when the gas is released. My car has and had a lot of these problems. Come to find out that the clutch discs are slipping and the transmission needs a rebuild. Rather than pumping out the $2k or so to get the non-turbo automatic tranny rebuilt, I have put my Supra into storage and am saving up for a 1JZ/5spd swap. I honestly think what caused the problem is that I swap for a Koyo radiator which doesn't have an internal tranny cooler, so had to get an aftermarket cooler. I don't think this did as good a job as the radiator cooler in the stock radiator to dissipate the New Mexico heat that was generated. The result, Fried Tranny!!! Mmmm...tasty.
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