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Old 09-22-2005, 07:41 PM   #3
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 4
BlueSpeed is on a distinguished road
seems like the folks at supramania think its possible if i have the motor names correct
1jzgte is twin turbo mk3 engine
2jzgte is twin turbo mk4 engine???
can i ask your reasons for wanting to do this? i've thought about it but it seems like a lot more work and money than using a 1jzgte which is a pretty awesome motor
yes there are more parts available for the 2jz, yes the 2jz is more powerful but are you ever really gonna spend more money after the (from my estimates) 3000 or so for the new engine, then you need a new tranny and ecu and lord knows what else plus labor?
seems to me the logical way to go would be to upgrade the 7m
i dunno though, if im wrong just lmk
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