Originally Posted by Supra_Freak_7m
Do keep in mind that the changing of the cat will only heavily influences N/A's on powerband issue. With a Turbo, all of the back pressure required by the car is supplied by the turbo, no further back pressure is needed.
So, If you got a turbo, sure, you can take the cat off and see a considerable gain.
With an N/A, I wouldnt, the car runs alot smoother with it on and it smells better.
One more thing to keep in mind, the oxygen sensor on this car is not heated, I have been to told by mechanics that beack pressure created by the cat helps to heat up the oxygen sensor, and that little guy controls up to about 8% of your fuel economy...
F' it all.. I'm either hollowing the cat or doing the test pipe.. Anyone know what kind of noise a hollow cat will make? something nasty added to my 3'' system? or will it not sound bad?