Thread: Starting issue
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Old 12-02-2010, 06:06 PM   #6
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I had this exact same problem on my 1987 Supra Turbo. It would start cold normally then after driving and going in somewhere when I came out I would have to cycle the switch 20 times or more to get the thing to start to catch. It turned out to be the fuel pressure up main relay which is located in the fuse box under the hood near the battery. It's the round metal one (MAIN). I got another one at the parts yard by matching the schematic on the side and the part number. RELAY M4 90987-02004 and 056700-4810 I have not had this problem since replacing the relay. Getting one from the Toyota dealer is way expensive. Other Toyota cars use this relay I think I got mine from a Celica. One thing you can try next time this happens is to take out the relay with a piece of towel because it's going to be hot and tap it gently, wait a few munutes, then put back in. If starts right up, it was the relay. Alternatively you could jumper the socket slots 3 and 4 which are the left two going front to back when you pull the relay out but I would only do this for testing purposes and not drive on it or leave the jumper in place.

Last edited by Bru; 12-02-2010 at 06:22 PM.
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