Originally Posted by 2JZDU
yes I read that, but I just don't understand where can I found the codes after I connect those connector, cause I throught I will need a computer thing to plug in the connector, then code will be shown on the screen.
With a paper clip in the connector, how could you plug anything else into it?
If you read the tech article, and maybe didn't understand part of it, why didn't you ask?
Your "check engine light" is really called a "malfunction indicator lamp" by Toyota. This from the very
first paragraphs of the tech article:
"The ECM contains a built-in self-diagnosis system by which troubles with the engine signal network are detected and a malfunction indicator lamp on the instrument panel lights up...
The diagnostic trouble code can be read by the number of blinks of the malfunction indicator lamp when TE1 and E1 terminals on the data link connector 1 or 2 are connected."
Again, this tech article does NOT mention a "diagnosis tool", in any way, shape or form.