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Old 01-16-2011, 05:11 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by 89ST View Post
If the car doesn't turn over even when attempting to be boosted by another vehicle than its the starter.
Just because it fails to start when boosted doesn't necessarily mean it is the starter. You could have corrosion on the battery cables, especially if you have metal ( as opposed to lead ) battery terminals. metal ones don't have to corrode near as much to impede the function of the starter. if you ahve metal battery terminals they usually have 2 bolts next to where the wire connects that hold the wire into the terminal, take that piece off and check the connection there between the bare wire and terminal. If in doubt, clean it.
The starters on these cars are pretty bad ass, they don't fail very often. ( not saying they don't fail at all) I would give every connection some major scrutiny before i get under there to remove that starter cause that is a pain.
AS far as not staying running, i would check the idle circuit on the tps as well as the connection to AFM. You can find information on how to do that
1987 Toyota Supra 7MGTE AUTO
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