Originally Posted by 89ST
Unless I'm missing something, entirely possible. I would be inclined to say its spark. Clearly you're getting fuel. and if one or more cylinder's has speratic spark you'll get a miss. Unless an injector is bad, generally speaking misses are almost always caused my not getting spark. So I would test your spark plug wires, and if they're all good and your spark plugs aren't twenty years old then I would think your coil pack is starting to die out. Hope this helps
Wires all spec out, plugs are ngk iridium about 6 months old.
I tried another set of 7m coils and just did a coil on plug conversion using is300 coils and wires, its worth mentioning that my af gauge reads lean while it's missing but will boost fast and hard after 2k, it almost seems to be related to the trans throttle valve/kickdown, also after driving it for a few days I've noticed to only way to start it in the mornings is to unplug the ecu temp sender until it reaches operating tempature, after that it will start fine the rest of the day. Then I plug it back in and it runs with the miss there. If i leave the ecu temp unplugged and also unplug the o2 sensor it runs without a miss but will occasionally die at low speeds like pulling into a parking lot. I'm beginning to think I overlooked something as stupid as a fuel filter or something.