Originally Posted by Busted Knuckles
Superwhite, it sounds like you did everything right. Rotating the engine twice will even out the tension in the belt. As a check, just push on the belt between the cams to make sure the tension is even with no sloppiness. When I did my timing belt, I had to adjust the exhaust cam slightly with the dowel pins to get the timing dead on. Did yours need any adjustment?
Suprisingly no, all of the timing marks lined up. I also checked at point A and B per the TSRM witha Kricket tension checker as well as beween the cam gears and they all checked the same. I'm not sure how to measure the downward pressure on the belt and measure the deflection distance at the point they indicate.

It seems like it would be very hard to be accurate. The Haynes manual doesn't even mention that step!
CRE: I found the directions in the TSRM confusing in reguards to thier method of checking for proper tension between the cams
after turning the gears toward each other.